27. Charmian Kittredge London with Iris Jamahl Dunkle

Charmian Kittredge London and husband, Jack London

Charmian Kittredge London and husband, Jack London

If you don’t know anything about author Charmian Kittredge London, you’ll be fascinated by her after this episode! She was every bit as fearless—arguably more so—as her famous husband, Jack London, and she was the driving force behind their 1907 sailing adventure across the South Pacific on the Snark. Unfairly relegated to his larger-than-life shadow, Kittredge’s story is compelling on its own terms, as we learn from this week’s guest, Kittredge London biographer Iris Jamahl Dunkle.

Discussed in this episode: 

The Log of the Snark by Charmian Kittredge London 

Charmian Kittredge London: Trailblazer, Author, Adventurer by Iris Jamahl Dunkle

Jack London

Irving Stone

Lust For Life by Irving Stone

Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser

Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy 

The Sea Wolf by Jack London

The Valley of the Moon by Jack London

The Cruise of the Snark by Jack London

Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum

Our Hawaii by Charmian Kittredge London

Harry Houdini

The Story of Us by Charmian Kittredge London

House of Happy Walls

Jack London Museum

West: Fire: Archive by Iris Jamahl Dunkle

Whose Names Are Unknown by Sanora Babb

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck


28. A Short History of Riding Side Saddle


26. Dear Film Industry, Please Consider Adapting These Books by Women