73. Dorothy B. Hughes — The Expendable Man

It’s a mystery to us why novelist Dorothy B. Hughes isn’t as well known as her fellow mid-century hardboiled/noir counterparts Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. This week, we’re discussing her 1963 crime novel The Expendable Man, a psychological thriller that had us on the edge of our seat—and even questioning our own instincts. 

Discussed in this episode

The Expendable Man by Dorothy B. Hughes (NYRB) 

Dashiell Hammett

Raymond Chandler

In a Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes 

In a Lonely Place (1950 film)

Humphrey Bogart

Dark Certainty by Dorothy B. Hughes

The So Blue Marble by Dorothy B. Hughes

“Queen of Noir: The Mysteries of Dorothy B. Hughes” by Molly Boyle (The New Mexican) 

The Fallen Sparrow by Dorothy B. Hughes

Spellbound (1945 film)

“In a Lonely Place” by The Smithereens

Walter Mosley

Ozark (2017-present TV Series)


74. A Short History of Carousels


72. Go Ask Alice James