94. Special Bonus Episode: Penelope Mortimer — Daddy's Gone A-Hunting

Penelope Mortimer

Profoundly dismayed by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special bonus episode on Penelope Mortimer’s must-read 1958 novel, Daddy’s Gone A-Hunting. Abortion and the right to choose are central to the plot, making it just as timely as when it first shocked critics with its “feminine rage.” 

Discussed in this episode:

Daddy’s Gone A-Hunting by Penelope Mortimer (McNally Editions) 

Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade

Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

Betty Draper in Mad Men

“The Calamity of Unwanted Motherhood” by Sophie Gilbert (The Atlantic)

Penelope Mortimer: A Writing Life by Lucy Scholes (The New York Review)

The Pumpkin Eaters by Penelope Mortimer

The Pumpkin Eaters (1964 film)

Revolutionary Road (2008 film) 


95. Merchant Ivory Fan Club


93. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala — Heat and Dust with Brigitte Hales